How it works?
CDP Stablecoin on TON Blockchain
Add collateral
Deposit TON or TON assets as
tsTON, stTON, hTON
Mint DurovUSD
150$ deposited as collateral allows you to get 100$ DurovUSD (based on 150% collateral)
Use DurovUSD
Use the DurovUSD received to increase your profitability in TON's DeFi ecosystem
Burn DurovUSD
Pay the service fee and return the DurovUSD
Withdraw collateral
Get back your collateral
with accrued interest income for providing it
DeFi use cases
Our mission is not technology for technology's sake,
but innovation to deliver value for our customers.
  • Provide liquidity
    Incentive program for Durovs Protocol users to distribute DurovUSD XP for future Airdrop
  • Use collateral in the liquidity pool on DEX
    Don't block your collateral - let it be profitable too! Use your position in the DEX liquidity pool as collateral
  • For DeFi leverage
    Supply and borrow assets for create DeFi leverage
  • Acquiring system
    Recieve payment in TON assets or DurovUSD and get 50% fees
  • Rate arbitrage
    Earn on the difference of exchange rates DurovUSD
  • Don`t sell TON Assets
    Lock, but don`t sell your TON for payment. If TON went up - just return DurovUSD and get your deposit back
We offer low fees and secure payment solutions in TON's DeFi ecosystem
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